DIMARZIO - www.dimarzio.com
For as long as I can remember, I've been using Dimarzio pickups. They are by far my favorite pickups to have in my guitars. I always preferred the tone of passive pickups because they are much more dynamic and their mids are much sweeter. A lot of the greatest guitar players on the planet are playing with Dimarzio pickups and there's a very good reason for that. Not to mention the single coils Dimarzio makes are noise free and sound amazing! Some of my top favorite pickups to use are the Super 3™ Dual Sound for the bridge position. For the neck and middle I love using the Fast Track 1 or Virtual Vintage in it's various versions. I'm sure there are plenty other great Dimarzio pickups out there, I'm still experimenting with them myself looking for other types of tones. Don't forget Dimarzio also makes the coolest neon guitar straps and the most awesome neon instrument cables or patch cables!

D'ADDARIO - www.daddario.com
If you're looking for guitar strings that sound great, don't break easily, and don't feel heavier than they should, D'Addario are the strings for you. I had switched to D'Addario strings back in 2001, after years of trying other brands that never pleased me. Since I started playing D'Addario strings years ago, I can confidently say I truly love the strings. I now feel privileged to be representing this great company alongside some of the greatest musicians in the world who also understand D'Addario is the way to go! If you play any type of a guitar, trust me, you owe it to yourself trying out these awesome strings!
KAHLER - www.kahlerusa.com
Kahler is the first company who I got to endorse. They were the first ones to believe in me. You just gotta love a Kahler tremolo and that smooth feel it has! Not too mention the tuning stability that is so important! I'm planning on installing one of the new Kahler bridges on a custom guitar which is being worked out at the moment. Kahlers were so cool back in the 80's and they're still just as cool today! Do yourself a favor and check'em out!
NADY - www.nady.comJohn
Nady is another brilliant engineer who revolutionized wireless technology. NADY is a really great company that's been around for a long time. I use the NADY W-1KU guitar wireless unit and love it. I've done lots of performances at the NADY booth for many NAMM shows.

AMT ELECTRONICS - www.amtelectronicsusa.com
There is a reason why I never built a pedal board until a couple years ago. The reason was, I could never find a distortion pedal I actually liked. I truly dislike 99% of the distortion pedals out there. This was true until I discovered AMT. After I got the DT-2 pedal, I decided it was finally time to build a pedal board! I also have the SS-30 preamp pedal, which has the tone of a real tube amp. It's a very nice pedal. AMT has well over 20 different distortion pedals! I haven't heard one that I didn't like and the person who makes those pedals over in Russia definitely knows what he's doing! Check them out!

MORLEY - www.morleyproducts.com/
I absolutely love my Morley wah pedal with the spring in it which I've owned for many years, I know I can always just jump on it and get into a wah mode without worrying about pressing a button getting in and out of the effect. It keeps my mind at ease and I like the feel and tension of that pedal under my feet. When the pedal is pressed all the way it still won't give you that nasty pinching top end like many other wah pedals out there. Not to mention all the Morley products are built nearly indestructible!

"Ethan Brosh, with an established reputation as one of the genre’s most exciting and progressive guitarists, has developed a vast repertoire of complex, fiery riffs, jaw-dropping solos and spellbinding acoustic figures." ISP Technologies
Ethan is a featured artist of the ISP Technologies Theta Preamp Pedal.

ISP TECHNOLOGIES - www.isptechnologies.com
ISP is the main company I work with and who's gear I use the most. I play through the ISP gear simply because it sounds the best and it is also very well made. No ISP product ever failed on me on stage or even in the studio. Most of my new record Live The Dream was recorded using the THETA preamp. Here is an interview I did for a gear website talking about the THETA
The ISP Decimator noise reduction unit seems to be in everyone's rig around the world. I believe the THETA pedal should also be another part of anyone's rig since it's the greatest distortion/preamp pedal ever made. Coming soon in the summer of 2014, the new DSP THETA all-in-one unit will hit the market! I can tell you this will be the unit that can replace any pedal board out there. I can't wait to get my hands on it!